The Image

The image

 Do you have a website? It is the first place to publish all the information about your concert and start creating an image. It may be a good idea to have a specific website for your concert, in addition to putting the information on your global website. In this way, the universe of the concert will permeate the entire website and immerse the attendees in the atmosphere of the concert from the moment they purchase the ticket. Integrate your online ticket sales directly into your website so that the attendee does not have to leave this universe throughout the process! Do you have several events, and would you like to sell them all from your website without leaving it? Integrate a multi-event widget!

Don’t you have a website, or do you only have a global website? No problem! When you create your event in Raleigh NC Symphony, an exclusive microsite for your concert will automatically be generated, with the registration and payment widget already integrated.

Customize entries and emails to your image. For a complete experience, make the universe of your event present in all points of contact with attendees. Raleigh NC Symphonyoffers you several levels of customization to fit your budget, starting with free customizations that you can do yourself.


Facebook, Instagram, Twitter … It’s time to make people talk! Create a conversation around what attendees at your event like most: the music of the artists you present! And communicate clearly about your concert: time, place, price, ticket purchasing process, how to get there, etc. Establish a social media strategy so that your communication has an impact and great reach.

If you activate the “Share on social networks” option, those who buy your tickets with Raleigh NC Symphony will see on the purchase confirmation screen the buttons that allow them to easily share on social networks that they are going to attend your concert, which gives you visibility.

Finally, don’t rule out traditional methods such as creating and distributing flyers or the possibilities that the press gives you if you manage to arouse their interest!


Create as many promotional codes as you want and send them to specific people or communicate them to the general public!

You can also implement an early bird pricing strategy, depending on the proximity of the concert date.


People who have attended one of your concerts could be interested in future concerts by the same artist or band or by others. Don’t miss the opportunity, and keep in touch! Sending a thank you email after the event is a good idea to start maintaining a relationship.

Include a form in the purchasing process to get to know your attendees better and know what they might be interested in and what they might not be interested in; include a box for them to indicate if they want to receive information about your events and send them exclusive offers to build loyalty.…